torsdag 31. august 2017

Thursday Movie Picks Television Edition; High School

It's Thursday again, which means it is time for a new Thursday Movie Picks post thanks to the blogger behind Wandering Through the Shelves. The topic of the week was high school (TV-series), so here are my picks.

Glee; Sometimes it's important to remember celebrating our differences.

Gossip Girl; This show has been one of my biggest guilty pleasure.

Buffy - The Vampire Slayer; Move over Bella Swan, us 90's kids have Buffy.

onsdag 30. august 2017

Monthly Favourites August 2017

It's time for a new Monthly Favourites post, as it is the end of August. There is a few things that I have really loved this month and here are some of them.

From top left; Irish Bell Heather, Beeswax Candle Making Kit from Etsy, Winter Woods scented wax melts, sunflowers, a cute flower decoration from Finn Schjøll Marihønå, stool from Kremmerhuset, pillows from Kremmerhuset and H&M, green plant and flower pot from Plantasjen.

As an added bonus, I managed to get the stool (Kremmerhuset) and green plant (Plantasjen) a bit cheaper due to coupons, which was an added bonus.

mandag 28. august 2017

Menu Plan Monday week 35

It's Monday again, which means it's time for yet another Menu Plan Monday post, thanks to Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie. At the moment I'm finally getting a bit of inspiration in terms of dinners, which is a bit helpful. I guess I'm not the only one who is sometimes a bit uninspired when it comes to dinners.

Stock photo from Pexels
Here is my menu plan for the week.

Monday; Fish Fingers
Tuesday; Swedish Meatballs
Wednesday; Lightly Breaded Cod
Thursday; Chicken in Curry Sauce
Friday; Fish Gratin
Saturday; Pasta Formaggio
Sunday; Fish Stew

torsdag 24. august 2017

Thursday Movie Picks; The Stage

It's a new Thursday, which means a new Thursday Movie Picks post, thanks to the blog Wandering Through The Shelves. The theme of the week is "The Stage" and here is my picks.

Limelight by Charlie Chaplin - if this one doesn't fit the theme, nothing will.

Mephisto (1981) - about a stage actor in pre-WW2 Germany

To Be or Not To Be (by Mel Brooks) - for me, this is one of the funniest movies about the stage

tirsdag 22. august 2017

16 Study Tips That Will Help You Survive University

(This post contains affiliate links. This means that if you purchase something through these links, you will help keep Add Norwegian Lifestyle running.)

Considering that I finished my Bachelor/undergrad degree this spring, I know first hand how stressful university can be at times. Thankfully I've learned a few tricks during my years at university to get me going so that I could do my best, at time with the help from a great academic advisor who kicked me a certain place when needed.

As the school year is about to start or has already started a few places, I wanted to share with you a few tips to aid you at college/university (though I think some of them would be relevant for high school as well).

  • Revise daily. Otherwise, you will struggle remembering what was taught during lecture the other day.
  • Study for 30-50 minutes at the time (with a 10-15 minute break) is probably THE best way to learn something. You'll learn less if your mind is too "loopy".
  • Turn off all distractions; yes, both social media, cell phone, laptop and what-not. You know the feeling - "I'll just quickly check Facebook" and then you have to wave goodbye to studying for at least 20 minutes. This tip isn't just for studying, it's also for lectures. You have no idea how many students with a laptop that has been on FB during a lecture.. 
  • I might have said it indirectly in the previous tip, but pay attention during class/lecture. Facebook and other "fun" stuff can wait until a break or after the lecture is finished. It's disrespectful not only towards your teacher, but also your fellow students wasting precious time you could have used for learning.
  • On test days - eat a healthy breakfast, like something with oatmeal, eggs, fruits etc. You will need something that will keep you focused and alert.
  • Have a routine. It doesn't help you trying to cram everything the last week before a final exam. 
  • Sometimes it's important to do something you like, whether it's playing an instrument, read a book or watch a TV show (just don't binge watch TV-series).
  • Exercise regulary. It will help you stay focused and relaxed.
  • Eat and sleep well. No matter how much you study, it will not help if you're hungry or sleep deprived.
  • Have a narrow focus while studying/revising. It's better to learn one/two things 100 per cent before moving to the next topic instead of do a shallow revising of a bucketload of stuff.
  • Use mind-maps and/or flash cards to get a better overview of your topics.
  • Write a list over all your assignments, supervisions, tests, deadlines and exams. It will aid you in knowing when you need to be finished. Trust me, I've heard quite a few "oh crap, is the deadline TOMORROW?".
  • In terms of routines and the previous tip; write an assignment plan as well. Then you'll know when to have read what. It is not fun realizing you should have read two chapter for the lecture tomorrow just before heading to bed.
  • Read relevant reading materials and/or do relevant homework before said lecture. Then, if there is something you don't understand, you'll probably get the help you need and you will in general have a lot more benefit of the lecture.
  • The day before a test/exam; put all study materials away and do something fun, like have a coffee date with a friend or something. Just don't get drunk and have a big hangover on the test. If you haven't learned it until the day before the test, you probably will not to it then. It's way better to just get a proper break from the books.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help, either from the teacher(s) or fellow students.

mandag 21. august 2017

Menu Plan Monday Week 34

It's Monday again, which means it's time for yet another Menu Plan Monday post thanks to Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie. Sometimes I'm having a wee bit of "meh" when it comes to dinner ideas, but it does really help having a menu plan in terms of planning the week and have some quick dinners when I'm busy.

Stock photo from Pexels
Here is my plan for the week.

Monday; Spaghetti Bolognese
Tuesday; Leftovers from Monday
Wednesday; Norwegian Fish Cakes
Thursday; Leftovers from Wednesday
Friday; Taco
Saturday; Nachos
Sunday; Pasta Formaggio

What's on your menu plan this week? Feel free to comment below.

lørdag 19. august 2017

Weekend Cooking; 10 Meal Prep Lunch Ideas

Oh well, this will be the third week I'm talking about lunches in a Weekend Cooking post, but since it is back to school and work for most of us (though I'm still in search for a job - feel free to let me know of any vacant jobs in the Stavanger-area, Norway).

Lately I've read a bit about lunches made in a big bulk (often four portions at the time), where the result is having several lunches for one week. For me, it sounds like a good idea, considering you make it in one go and don't need to prep lunch every day and you get more time to do other stuff.

Stock photo from Pexels
Here is some of the recipes I've collected for you to check out.
Healthy Roasted Chicken and Veggies
Chicken Pad Thai
Greek Chicken Bowls
Jerk Chicken Meal Prep Bowls
Chicken Enchilada
Lemon Roasted Salmon With Sweet Potatoes and Broccolini
Honey BBQ Baked Salmon Bowls
Shrimp Fried Rice
Curried Chickpea Bowls with Garlicky Spinach
Easy Roasted Meal Prep Bowls

fredag 18. august 2017

Friday Finds; New Items From IKEA

I'm not going to deny the fact that I have a weak spot for IKEA, esp. considering that I live 20 minutes from one (by car, that is). Whenever I've moved, I've always ended up purchasing something that I needed from that blue and yellow warehouse from Sweden. It does help that they have "everything" that one need under one roof. Considering that the new catalogue is out at the moment, I wanted to share some of my faves from their new items.

Have you ever been shopping at IKEA? Do you like the items there? Feel free to share your thoughts below.

torsdag 17. august 2017

Thursday Movie Picks; Rescue

It's Thursday again and time for a new Thursday Movie Picks post, thanks to the blogger behind Wandering Through The Shelves. The theme of the week was "rescue" and here are my picks.

Schindler's List; About a man trying to rescue Jews during WW2.

Saving Private Ryan; A group of US soldiers who go behind enemy lines to save one of their own.

Behind Enemy Lines; The plane to Chris Burnett is shot down and manages to get photographic evidence of genocide in the Balkans. His commanding officer go against orders to rescue him.

tirsdag 15. august 2017

Two Great Deals on I Love

(This post contains affiliate links. It means that if you do purchase something by using these links, you help to keep Add Norwegian Lifestyle running).

Even though I only "borrow" my father's dog at times by being a dog sitter, I do enjoy searching for fun dog items. The Norwegian online shop I Love does have a couple of decent offers at the moment.

The first one is a monthly surprise box for your dog, where you can recieve the first box for NOK 99 (offer valid until August 31st). It varies what you'll get in the box, but some of the things that is included are treats and doggy bags to pick up you-know-what.

The second offer is 10 per cent off an entire purchase if you use the discount code "apote" during check out (valid until December 31st).

So feel free to spoil your furry friend a bit if you like.

mandag 14. august 2017

Menu Plan Monday Week 33

It's a new Monday, which means it's time for a new Menu Plan Monday post, thanks to Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie. This week will be a bit fractured in terms of dinner planning, as I'll be dogsitting my father's Leonberger a few days, but the days I'm at home, I know for certain that I will be cooking dinner.

Kasper, the beach boy

So here is my short menu plan for this week.

Monday; Pizza
Tuesday; Fish Gratin
Sunday; Sheek Kebab

What's on your menu plan for this week, if you have one? If you don't have one, have you ever considered doing one?

lørdag 12. august 2017

Weekend Cooking; Over Two Month's Worth of Bento Box Lunch Ideas

In last week's Weekend Cooking post, I talked about how practical it can be to bring your own lunch with you to school or to work and I had a "general" list of lunch ideas. This week on the other hand, it's all about bento boxes. Yes, indeed those boxes with vibrant colours and often cute design. The recipes I will share is mainly focused on kids, but if you as an adult feel drawn to them (I know I do), I will not judge.

Stock photo from Pexels
Simple Onigiri Recipe
12 Bento Box Lunch Ideas to Get You Through the Week
Real Food Bento Box Round Up
50 Bento Box Lunch Ideas
23 Easy & Adorable Back-to-School Bento Box Lunches
17 Easy Vegetarian Bento Box Lunches Anyone Can Make
25 Healthy and Photo-Worthy Bento Box Lunch Ideas
Bento Box Lunch Ideas + Cheat Sheet
How to Make Bento
Out of the box. 6 more bento ideas
16 Days of Bento Lunch Boxes
10 Minute Autumn Lunch

Do you make/eat bento boxes and have any good tips or resources? Feel free to comment below.

torsdag 10. august 2017

Thursday Movie Picks; Summer Blockbusters

It's Thursday yet again, which means it's time for another Thursday Movie Picks post thanks to the blogger behind Wandering Through the Shelves.. The theme for this week was summer blockbusters and here are my picks.

Hindi Medium; Bollywood movies are sometimes a fresh breath.

Dunkirk; WW2 movies are always fascinating.

Wonder Woman; Finally one of the female Marvel superhero.

onsdag 9. august 2017

How to Set More Manageable Goals

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone (myself included) state “I wish.....” there is a fair chance I would be rich. Whether someone wants a new job, to lose weight, or whatever, people usually want something.

For example, throughout my teenage years I wanted to go to university. Unfortunately I failed a couple of classes my senior year at high school and I tried to re-do them, but failed yet again. I ended up working for a few years, before I then found out a way to apply to university, even with a few classes missing from high school. I tried one year, didn’t get accepted, tried the next year and managed to get in. Now I have a Bachelor degree, majoring in English language and literature. The moral of this story is if you turn your dream into a goal, there is bigger chance of accomplishment.

Stock photo from Pexels

Now, how to we make manageable goals? Not all techniques work for everyone, but I will go through some things that might help a bit. Part of the reason why there is such a big rush of new members at the gym in January and February is due to New Year resolutions, but a lot of people haven’t thought things through properly and often start to fall out when winter turns into spring.

First of all, the goal is better if it is specific. “I want to be skinny” is too vague, whereas “I want to lose 20 pounds” are specific.

I find it important to have a “why” as well, partially for motivation. Let’s face it, if one doesn’t have the motivation to lose 20 pounds, there is a big possibility that one will fail. Find your (good) reasons why you want to accomplish something, it will help out A LOT.

To meet the big goal (let’s say get a new job), it will be easier to achieve it if you set up smaller, partial goals. Look at those partial goals as stepping stones. For instance, if one set the big goal of getting a new job, some of the partial goals could be;
  • Apply for X jobs in one month
  • Follow up e-mails/phone X of those applications to check for a possibility of a job interview
  • Go to X job interviews

Consistency is another big factor in achieving a goal. If one wants to lose those 20 pounds, one can’t give up after two weeks.

The last thing I want to talk about is relevance. You got to set the goal FOR YOU, not to please your parents/spouse or society.

Do you have any big goals at the moment and do you have any good tips on how to achieve goals? Feel free to comment below.

mandag 7. august 2017

Menu Plan Monday Week 32

It's Monday again, which means it's time for a new Menu Plan Monday post, thanks to Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie. I'm finally getting a little bit of inspiration again when it comes to dinners, combined with me trying to have a general "destash" when it comes to dinners I have, either in the cupboard or in my freezer (even though it means having the same dinner several times during a week).

Stock photo from Pexels
Here is my menu plan for this week.
Monday; Fish Gratin
Tuesday; Thai Red Curry Soup
Wednesday; Pan Seared Pollock
Thursday; Spinach Soup
Friday; Pan Seared Pollock
Saturday; Aloo Mutter
Sunday; Pan Seared Pollock

lørdag 5. august 2017

Weekend Cooking; Over a Month's Worth of Lunch Box Ideas for Both Adults and Kids

(This post contains affiliate links)

Whether it's back to school or back to work, we all need food during lunch time in order to function for the rest of the school/work day. Some of the problems that might occur is that one either gets uninspired or one purchase a lunch on the go. In a lot of cases, one might opt for a not-so-healthy or thought through lunch, I know I was guilty of that during university at times.

In order to combat those tendencies, here comes over a month's worth of lunch box ideas for both adults and kids. Enjoy!

5 Simple Snacks Boxes for Busy People
8 Wholesome Lunchbox Ideas for Adults and Kids
Sandwich Free Lunch Box Ideas and Other Tips
Vegetarian Lunch Box Ideas
25 Freezer Friendly Lunch Box Ideas
10 Sandwich Free Lunch Ideas
Fun Lunch Box Ideas
Healthy Broccoli Nuggets for School Lunch Boxes
Week of Vegetarian Lunch Box Ideas Packed by Kids
Free Printable School Lunch Box Planner
2 Weeks of No Sandwich Lunch Box Ideas
Starbucks Copycat Protein Bistro Box
23 Make-Ahead Lunches to Get You Through the Work Week
Easy Lunchbox Ideas

Are you one of those purchasing a lunch on the go or do you bring lunch with you every day? If you belong to the latter group, do you have any tips or tricks to make things more exiting or how to prepare the lunch(es)? Feel free to share in the comment section below.

torsdag 3. august 2017

Thursday Movie Picks; Crime Family

It's the first Thursday of the month and time for a new post in regards of Thursday Movie Picks, thanks to the blogger behind Wandering Through the Shelves. The theme of the week is crime families and here are my picks.

Gangs of New York; A movie with an historical feel.

Kill Bill (both); Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Pulp Fiction; A classic movie.

The Godfather; Yet another classic movie.

tirsdag 1. august 2017

Making a Home; 10 Cute To-Do Lists That Will Aid Your Planning

I have no issues admitting that I genuinly love making lists and being organized in general. Having ADD, making lists and trying to be organized the best I can aid me a lot so I don't end up being a total messyhead (I've written a post earlier called How am I Getting Organized This Year). Either with or without ADD life can be hectic at times, so today I wanted to share with you some links to places where you can download some fun to-do lists.

Stock photo from Pexels
Here is the places where you can find some fun to-do lists.
Free Printable Watercolor To Do List
May Giveaway: Daily To Do List Printable
Personal Size To Do List: Coffee! [printable]
A Fun "To Do" List
Freebie: To Do List Printable
Making a To-Do List
Free printables: To do list
Goal Cards For The New Year
Making To Do Lists Fun
10 to-do lists as pretty as they are useful

Do you write to-do lists? Or do you have any other great tricks for getting stuff done? Feel free to comment below.